First welcome to all the new players and their families. This website is where program information and schedules are located. The daily group communication for coaches and players is done via WhatsApp. If you are new e-mail me, coach Lehnhart ( or connect with a player at school to get added to WhatsApp. We have already started training and are now moving to our Winter training phase.
The fall and winter schedule is open to all interested JDHS potential soccer players and is completely voluntary. Some things are free and some have a cost. Here’s the general weekly schedule. All are at the Dimond Park Field House except for Kaizen which is in the Aux Gym. Sunday nights 7-9pm is the Capital City Soccer Men’s indoor League, Monday night’s 8-9pm is the Advanced Training Program and Thursday nights is open play from 9-10pm.
If you would like to play in the Men’s A Indoor league go to the Capital City soccer website ( to sign up (cost is $50 for the fall season). JDHS runs two teams and the rosters change weekly to accommodate player’s availability. I will post those rosters on WhatsApp.
The Juneau Soccer Club’s Advanced Training Program (ATP) runs Mondays from 8-9pm October through February at the Dimond Park Field House. These trainings are coached by coaches Lehnhart, Harrison and Flynn. Sessions are focused on developing player skills. If you are interested in improving your game these sessions are the best way to do it. Go to the JSC website ( to sign up!
Open Play is open to all JDHS students and is free. It runs on the JD Turf in September and in the DPFH on Thursdays from 9-10pm from October to March. This is a designated time to just play with no drills or “coaching.”
The KAIZEN program is all about overall fitness, strength and soccer skill specific training. They are free and generally run after school (from 4:15-5:15pm) in the Auxiliary Gym. They will start in January and run until the season starts. Currently they are Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:15-5:15pm.
Official season starts March 10th. While all of the above options are voluntary the work players do in the fall and winter pays dividends in the spring season. Some scholarships are available for those that need help with the fees for the things that cost. Contact Gary Lehnhart if you have questions ( Also, I’m starting to fill in the season’s schedule. Click on the Calendar link above and it should be linked to my google calendar and has games, flights and practices. It’s always a work in progress so I’ll add as things change.
#Every.Single.Day and #Wegoonewegoall